Sunday, February 8, 2015


Brennan and I met on Friday with the Director of Communications and the Manager of Promotion for SMTD. They were really helpful and willing to help us out with getting the word out about our show, but a lot of it is still on us.

At the meeting, we went over a lot of the ideas we had already talked about (videos, posters, facebook event, business cards to drop off places, etc). They suggested that we focus most of our efforts on creating a good social media presence, since they will be able to get us into local event listings and such but that only goes so far these days. The other big thing we talked about is branding and making sure that we but the SMTD logo on pretty much everything we distribute (a note on the logo: we can't break it up, change the color, or warp it in any way)

They said that we should really focus on having all of our publicity media done by the beginning of March, which seems far away now but its coming up on us quick. So here is what needs to happen in the next few weeks:

-Teaser video, perhaps 2 (we could release one early in march and another shortly before the show to keep people talking about it)
-Poster (I think Kevin is on this if i remember correctly)
-Business card-sized informational things that we can leave various places (simplified version of poster)
-Figure out what facebook groups, websites, local radio, whatever we can distribute these on. It would be super helpful if you knew of anything if you could comment here so that we can have a good list in one place.

I know we have a lot of other stuff to worry about, but it'd be pretty lame if we spent all this time making a great show and no one came.

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