Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Anand, Harrison, Utku:

I really like your concept of watching intelligible speech turn into jargon. This YouTube video series "I am Sitting in a Video Room" based on the Lucier piece "I am Sitting In a Room" shows a lot gradual distortion of video and audio shown through re-uploading on YouTube. It gets freaky!

Matias and Joey:
I really liked the harmonic language you guys were exploring in your improvisations. Here is one of my favorite piano works that I think makes use of the dissonance you guys seem after:

Nina, Matthew, and Kyle:
Here is a link to a Stockhausen piece "Nr 7: Zyklus" which the performer reads from a graphic score. The piece can be interpreted with the pages in any order, even upside-down. The piece is a great example of moment form, which I think may be a useful aesthetic to consider when performing a score being written in real-time as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igah0mQ-HLA

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