Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Aesthetic References


I really enjoyed your arrangement, and the way in which you used looping/layering to create a very musically pleasing space.  When thinking of a reference to how you utilized looping, I immediately thought of Julia Easterlin.  I was able to to participate in a masterclass with her last summer on songwriting and looping; her live performances are incredible.  Even though your musical goals may be different and more instrumental than vocal, I feel you could draw a lot of inspiration from how she is able to create such a rich atmosphere in such a minimal style.


I really like the direction you guys are headed in, and I feel you could use more creative inspiration for the "forest" theme you seem to be going for.  This music video and song by Maggie Rogers definitely evokes a lot of emotion using the forest as a reference point.  I also really appreciate how organic the production and her use of original samples are in the track, which is something you guys could definitely experiment with. 

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