Monday, February 24, 2020

Week 7 [joey fortino]

Ariel, Nick, Inés, Sky, and Geoff:

I enjoyed the ambiguity between whether Ariel was moving to the music or if the music was improvised to the music. There is a connectedness there that is very profound. I also thought the use of morse code was really moving and effective because it felt to me as if the truth about these issues is trying to come out but is being filtered intentionally by corporations. Thought this was a great way to directly represent what you were going for. I stand by my suggestion to make the source material for the morse code be actually exposing truths about the environmental impact of big industry. The vocal processing and droning in your piece reminds of me this performance from Dan Deacon.

Olivia, Mira, Nick, and Steve:

This piece was super emotional and moving for me. I really enjoyed all the vocal processing, piano, electronics, and movement. The movements felt very taxing. There was a lot of visible effort there which went well with how nick was playing the piano and how steve was using the push. I thought it looked like Olivia was planting some sort of seed. Even though this was wrong I still like that juxtaposition of natural disaster atmosphere with this last-ditch attempt to start something beautiful. With this contrast in mind, I think to this video. It shows both beautiful growth and beautiful decay which is so powerful as imagery.

Hannah, Maya, Tessa, and Christopher:

I really enjoyed the interactions between Maya and Hannah. I thought it was very straightforward but without being heavy handed. I also thought this represented your message very effectively. I think that Maya and Hannah could break off to represent the earth after humans stop leaching for one reason or another. Very curious to see how you guys pace out the timeline of the relationship. I also Would love to hear Maya's playing incorporate more harmonics because of how they appear in nature. One example could be this piece by MMW and nels cline. The bassist performs with odd atmosphere stuff and uses lots of harmonics.

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