Saturday, February 4, 2017

Melodic Harmonizing for River

Rachel and I recorded some sounds from outside to potentially use as percussive elements for the "River Group" composition. In class, we had discussed the idea of adding harmonies to the drums that will emerge as the river puppet emerges/moves. As we were coming up with drum rhythms, Rachel and I explored various ideas for melodic elements that would fit the ambient atmosphere. We developed a sine wave MIDI instrument and started messing around with some chord progressions, and researched some cool "bubble-like" sounds that could be a nice melodic addition. We also discussed potentially using a flute recording.

This flute recording is a sample that I had recorded previously for a different piece. For this sample, I only played through the head-joint of the flute (the body and foot-joint were not attached) and used cheap earbuds to record, placing them into the head-joint itself. It almost sounds like an airy recorder or something...I'm not really sure how to describe it. The sample can be heard throughout a piece that I composed linked below, first appearing around 0:38. (I did not process it very much in this piece, just kind of threw it in with very minimal adjustments). For the river group people, the raw sample can be found in the "River Peeps" Google Drive folder (if you want to mess around with it at all). In the sample found on the drive, I also have other techniques I used, including very exaggerated vibrato, and singing while playing (which typically creates a buzzy sound underneath/above the note actually being played). Also, I'm awful at naming songs, so please excuse the song title haha.

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