Monday, September 18, 2017

Collaborations Brainstorm

Here is a summary of our brainstorm/reflection on collaborations. Revisit these periodically. Feel free to suggest additions, too.

Successful collaborations
Dealing with conflict in a collaboration effectively
Dealing with conflict in a collaboration poorly
being open to trying new things
letting ego get in the way
remain calm
waiting too long to address conflict
positive outlook from the beginning
poor time management
focus on positive points of agreement
not being present
asking thoughtful questions
lack of inspiration
focus on high-level goals
assuming the worst from your collaborator
effective communication
focusing on the product over people
bring them into your world / put yourself in their world
needing to be right
being respectful and understanding with collaborators
forgetting that collaborators are people too
understand your priorities and theirs

own your limitations & strengths
lack of foresight / anticipation of problems
control your impulses / gather your thoughts before reacting

set clear goals

 "yes, and...": find positives in ideas/suggestions, rather than dwelling on negatives

establish how/when you will communicate

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